Eastern Maine Camera Club

Developing Photographers

Opening Meeting Scheduled 


Our opening meeting has been scheduled and a letter has been mailed to all current and prospective members with details. There has been a change in VENUE since the mailing went out.  We have attempted to email everyone that received a letter to let them know of the venue change.  If you need more information about the current venue please contact us using this form on our web site.

Below are some excerpts from the letter:


August 2013 has arrived in a flurry of activity, with burgoning gardens, vacations, and long summer days.  Take a little time over this last month of summer to check out the EMCC website for the schedule of competition topics and get out shooting!

Once again, this year we have some new categories and an exciting year planned.  We will host the NECCC Interclub Digital image competetion.  We have added a black and white digital image category for our monthly competetinos along with the traditional digital and print categories. Speaker nights will be informative with a great slate of talented presenters to teach and inspire us.  Upcoming field trips promise to be fun and educational; all are encouraged to participate.

The Bangor Sate Fair competetion is once again complete.  . . .  Congratulations to all the EMCC members on your beautiful entries and to those who placed "in the ribbons".  Your efforts reflect well on our club.  Thank you everyone for all your efforts in pulling this event together in a new and challenging venue.  

It is time once again to send in your membership dues for the upcoming year.  . . .  Remember, you must be a paid member to participate in Club and NECCC competetions, and to have access to the member's section of our excellent web site. 

Our first cllub meeting of the year will be on Thursday, Sept 5th at 6:00 p.m. . . . Burgers and Hot Dog's will be provided. Please bring a desert or salad to share and your own beverage . . .  Please R.S.V.P using the contact us form for directions and to let us know how many are coming and what you will bring.

Thanks so much for the executive team for all the work you do to make the EMCC fun and dynamic and to all the members for your ongoing participation in our great club!

Jeanne Caron

Eastern Maine Camera Club President






Tuesday, August 13, 2013 8:16:00 PM Categories: Events News
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