Eastern Maine Camera Club

Developing Photographers

Welcome to the Eastern Maine Camera Club!

September 5, 5:00 PM -  This will be a "Welcome to the new season" meeting, and will be held at Dysart's restaurant on Broadway in Bangor. 

If you are interested in joining EMCC you can get in touch with us using this link to the "Contact Us" form, or go directly to the member application form.

September 19 - EMCC Competition – Open  -

October 3 – Round Table Discussion - This will be a night for everyone to have chance to talk about what camera equipment and photo editing software, if any, that they use. You can also tell us what you would like to get out of the camera club, whether it's to improve your photography, or just to socialize and talk about images and image making. Note that camera equipment includes cell phone cameras.

October  17 – EMCC Competition Nature

November 7 – Speaker - Suzanne Trussel - Travels to Morocco, Dubai, Egypt.

November 21 – EMCC Competition – TBA -

December 5, 6:00 PM - Christmas Party (Members only and their guests) -  Our holiday get together is at Dysart's on Broadway at 6:00. We'll order off of the menu and the bar will be available to us.

January 2 – Speaker - TBA

January 16 – EMCC Competition – TBA

January 30 – Extra Meeting? - TBA

February 6 –  Speaker - TBA

February 20 – EMCC Competition – TBA 

March 6 – Speaker - TBA -

March 20 – EMCC Competition Nature 

April 3 – Speaker - TBA -

April 17 – EMCC Competition – Open 

May 1 - Speaker - TBA -

May 15 – Awards Night – 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM. Dysart's on Broadway, behind the convenience store. Other details will be provided by the end of April.


Definitions of competition topics:

If you are not sure whether the photo you wish to enter into any competition will meet the topic definition, feel free to ask the scorekeeper@easternmainecameraclub.org before submitting your entry.

Open:  Any subject matter in good taste is acceptable.  (Back to Top)

Nature: Images submitted in the nature category should not show any evidence of "the hand of man."  This includes, but is not limited to, such things as cut grass, cultivated flowers, bird feeders, roads, buildings, or jet contrails in the sky.  Exceptions are banded birds and animals whose natural habitat are man-made structures; e.g. barn swallows.  (Back to Top)

 Windows and Doors: Windows and/or doors as the subject elements of any architectural structure, or in any scene in which you can create a pleasing composition with their shapes.   (Back to Top)

 Humor: Photos of any subject that convey a sense of humor. Maybe self explanatory, but here is a post by Peter West Carey that may help in creating humorous images.

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 Macro: Extreme close-up photography, usually of very small subjects and living organisms like insects, in which the size of the subject in the photograph is greater than life size. By the original definition, a macro photograph is one in which the size of the subject on the negative or image sensor is life size or greater.

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